Information pursuant to the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz): 1. Contact: KF 15 GmbH Kardinal-Faulhaber-Str. 15 D-80333 Munich Germany Tel: +49 (0)89 25 55 93-0 Fax: +49 (0)89 25 55 93-133 Email: 2. Company Information: Chief Executive Officer: Dr. Dieter Hahn Companies’ Register: Registration Court Munich, No. HRB 213341 VAT ID Number: DE 296 379 043 Disclaimer of Liability: Every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website. However, KF 15 does neither warrant the availability and usability of the website for the user’s purposes nor the accuracy and completeness of displayed content. The liability for (1) for damages for injury to life or health, and (2) intent, gross negligence, and statutory strict liability (e.g. pursuant to German Product Liability Law) is governed by German law. In the case of simple negligence, the liability of KF 15 for the breach of essential contractual obligations (so called “Kardinalspflichten”) is limited to typical contractual damages that were foreseeable when the contract was formed. Essential contractual obligations are obligations whose adherence is mandatory to facilitate the proper conduct of the contract. In all other cases, liability for damages is excluded. The above liability rules apply also to affiliates pursuant to Sec 15 German Stock Corporation Law and all representatives, agents, vicarious agents, or employees of KF 15 and its affiliates. As far as this website contains links to other websites, the following shall apply: KF 15 has no influence on the design and content of the pages that are linked to and does not guarantee the validity, accuracy, or completeness of the information therein. KF 15 is neither responsible nor does it appropriate the content of linked websites. For illegal, incorrect, or incomplete contents and for damages resulting from the use or misuse of such information, only the owner of the linked website shall be liable. KF 15 may only be liable if it has positive knowledge of illegal content and has not prevented access to such information although that would have been technically possible and reasonable. |